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thanks for stopping by at my beloved Kitchen around the world ....
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specially from my beloved country, Indonesia ...
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happy browsing ..... :D

Monday, November 28, 2011

~ Sushi History ~

As we know so far, that Sushi is a special food from Japan, but do you know that Sushi can trace its routes back many centuries, probably to China where raw fish was salted and coated with a layer of cooked rice to help preserve it. The form of Sushi we eat today originated about 200 years ago in Japan. The availability of fresh fish was the reason why Sushi became so popular, with two specific styles emerging over time.

~ Kansai-style
In the Kansai region around Osaka, rice merchants serve decorative 'packages' of rice combined with other ingredients. The conveniently packaged Kansai-style Sushi is made predominantly with cooked ingredients and comes in various types and styles.

~ Kanto-style
Seafood and fresh fish were more readily available in the Edo region surrounding Tokyo. In this region, Sushi was served as a slice of raw fish over a small ball of vinegar rice. This Edomae-sushi or the popular Nigiri is the most familiar Kanto-style Sushi international Sushi Cuisine today.
Maki sushi (Rolled sushi) is the most popular and identifiable type of Sushi throughout Japan and the United State. A layer of seasoned rice and other ingredients are rolled into a seaweed-wrapped log, with the help of a bamboo mat, then sliced into rounds. Traditional maki sushi is rolled with the seaweed (Nori) on the exterior and the other ingredients in the interior of the roll.

~ New styles
The introduction of the Nigiri Sushi in the 1960's created a new wave of Sushi cuisine in the USA. The ' American-style' sushi maintains the traditional Nigiri, Maki and Temaki forms (meaning 'hand roll', Temaki calls for encasing the rice and other ingredients in seaweed cone), but incorporates new menu items and flavors. Today, it is common that American-sushi Chefs create their own 'signature-rolls' for their menus, to demonstrate their creativity.
As part of the new Sushi cuisine, Uramaki (inside-out roll) was created in America, this new variety of Sushi is rolled backward. Unlike traditional Maki rolls, nori and ingredients are placed in the interior of the roll and are surrounded by sushi rice. The best known example of Uramaki is the California roll.
Uramaki was created because Americans had trouble eating nori. While Americans dining in the early sushi bars enjoyed the food, they preferred not to see the seaweed. To remedy this, the pioneerng Chef Mashita at Tokyo Kaikan in little Tokyo, Los Angeles created the inside-out roll. This development is widely believed to have fuelled sushi's early success in the USA, and has led to hundreds of variations on the first uramaki. Interestingly, the American-style uramaki sushi is beginning to finds its way across the Pacifis to Japan. Bringing innovations in sushi-making back to the tradional styles in Japan is another step in the cuisine's evolution.

No matter what style you enjoy, sushi's main ingredients remain the same-Rice (authentic Japanese rice), Su (rice vinegar), Nori (seaweed) and an assortment of the freshest fish, mostly Sashimi, which is thinly sliced raw fish. An array of seasoning enhances the flavours created by chefs in sushi as Shoyu (soy sauce), Wasabi (hot green Japanese horse-radish) and Gari or Shoga (pickled ginger) as well as a range of sauces.

Sushi is absolutely right for today's lifestyle because it's low fat and calories, high in Omega-3 fatty acids when featuring fresh fish, and also easy to eat on the go.

~ Premium Sushi Rice
It should be noted that the term sushi actually means sourish and refers to the vinegared rice, not the raw fish, so great starts with making great rice. Sushi rice is the most important ingredient in your sushi, because without well-cooked rice, it can go very wrong to making the best sushi.
To sushi connoisseurs, the quality of the rice is as important as the freshness of the fish. The rice must be properly cooked and expertly seasooned with salt, sugar and rice vinegar in the right proportions. Cooling the cooked rice quickly helps give it a sought-after seen. In Japan, an assistant often fans the rice manually as the sushi chef dressed it.
It's essential that you use the correct variety of rice when making sushi to ensure that perfect consistency and the sticky quality so important to good sushi. When the rice is of high calibre, the sushi will be too, that's why it's important to use the right rice.

source :
Cooking with Inari the top quality Japanese Rice Book modified by dapur Deana

Monday, November 14, 2011

Beloved Papa's 38th B'day Cake

Ga terasa udah lama banget ga sempet nengokin blog .... mohon maaf lahir dan batin untuk para Sahabat yang udah menyempatkan diri mampir kesini ... mohon dimaklumi karena kesibukan pindahan rumah + ngurusin Bocils, jadilah setiap saat repot dengan urusan unpacking + penataan barang ... alhamdulillah sedikit demi sedikit sudah mulai terlihat seperti rumah bukan gudang lagi ... :D

nah, karena peralatan perang juga masih dalam packingan, jadilah untuk beberapa bulan kemarin sama sekali ga bisa baking ... apalagi dengan sikon dirumah yang masih kacau balau, terpaksa harus menahan kangen baking terutama melihat para Sahabat yang meng-upload berbagai hasil karyanya yang indah-indah ... hanya bisa menelan ludah ... *glek*

akhirnya ... datang juga kesempatan untuk melepas kangen ber-baking ria ... dapat momen yang pas : ultah Papa tanggal 14 November ....

sedikit demi sedikit peralatan perang yang penting-penting mulai dibongkar, beruntung koleksi resep juga langsung ditemukan .... jadi tinggal belanja bahan deh ...

seperti status aku di Fb kemarin :
" finally .. peralatan perang unpacking, resep dah ketemu, bahan2 siap + mood oke .... yes, it's baking time baby !! ;-) "

repotnya, karena ultah Papa jatuh pada hari senin, jadi agak susah deh buat ngatur waktunya ... soalnya rencana aku cakenya mau aku kasih tepat jam 12 malam ... makanya harus pintar-pintar ngatur waktunya neh ..

jadilah pas hari H-1 setelah sholat subuh aku langsung siapin peralatan, nimbang bahan-bahan dan baking deh ... alhamdulillah, ga terlalu lama 3 buah base cake brokus keju selesai ... tinggal tunggu dingin sebentar, diolesin buttercreamcheese trus langsung ditumpuk jadi satu ... biar ga ketahuan base cake ini aku simpan dikamar Bocils ... :D

sambil nemenin Papa ngopi, aku mulai bikin hiasan mawarnya ... itupun Papa udah tanya : kok tumben mainan fondant Ma ? ... jawabku : iya neh iseng abis udah lama ga mainan kangen juga ... ;p

ternyata oh ternyata ... rencana hanya tinggal rencana .... ga taunya tiba-tiba Papa punya ide buat mindahin lemari baju + ngeberesin kamar Bocils supaya lebih lega ... maklum, gara-gara pindahan ini semua barang langsung dimasukin kekamar-kamar, yang penting rapi dulu karena bagian dalam masih dalam tahap finishing .... dan bisa ketebak kan saudara-saudara .... begitu selesai beres-beres, ditemukanlah base cake-nya ..... Bocils langsung lari kekamarku ... Mamaaaaaaa, Papa temuin kuenyaaaaaaaaaa ...... huuuuaaaaaaaaaaa .... :((

jelas aja Bocils ikutan heboh, soalnya mereka udah diajakin kompakan soal rencana surprise, termasuk bantuin beliin lilin angka bareng adekku tersayang a.ka omnya ..... hiiikksss

tapi ternyata ... dengan senyum lebar Papa justru bilang : ga papa Ma, kan Papa jadi tau klo Mama sayang banget sama Papa ..... ;p

hehehe .... soalnya beberapa hari sebelumnya aku bilang, minta maaf ga bikin apa-apa karena sikon rumah + mood yang masih blom oke buat baking or cooking ....

ya sutralah ... berhubung udah ketahuan, akhirnya aku dekor cake-nya sambil nemenin Papa bobo siang dikamar .... alhamdulillah, ga terlalu lama juga udah selesai ... cuma Bocils aja yang bolak balik minta japrem fondant, soalnya udah lama ga liat Mamanya mainan fondant ...

cake kali ini aku buat base cake-nya dengan bentuk love, sebagai simbol cinta kami untuk Papa tercinta ... sementara hiasannya aku buat bentuk bunga-bunga mawar, mulai dari kuncup kecil sampai yang mekar merekah ... alhamdulillah, ide mengalir dengan lancar begitu mulai menggilas fondant untuk cover-nya ... sedikit nyeleneh, karena bosan dengan bentuk daun mawar yang biasa, jadi aku buatlah daun-daunnya dengan bentuk daun ivy, sekaligus memberdayakan cetakan ivy leaves yang belum dipakai .... ternyata hasilnya ga terlalu aneh kan ... hihihi ...*menghiburdiripadahaltakutdilemparcentongsamaparasuhu* .. ;p

karena ultah Papa pas hari kerja, jadilah malam senin ini kami sekeluarga pergi merayakan sebelumnya ...

pagi harinya, lilinnya ditiup dan cakenya dipotong sebelum Bocils berangkat ke sekolah, jadi sekalian buat bekal mereka juga ... ogahrugi.com .... ;p

pas dipotong, masing-masing udah punya inceran masing-masing : mba Dea minta yang ada mawarnya, dede Darrel minta yang ada tulisan 'happy'-nya, mas Ando minta bagian pinggir supaya bisa dapat fondant yang banyak .... sementara Papa terima aja dikasih bagian yang mana aja .... hahaha ...

senang banget rasanya bisa membahagiakan oarang-orang tercinta dengan hasil karya pribadi ... melihat senyum + wajah-wajah penuh antusias, langsung hilang semua deh capeknya .... apalgi pas sepulang sekolah Bocils cerita klo teman-teman mereka pada minta cobain, dan mereka suka karena enak katanya .... alhamdulillah .... :D

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