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thanks for stopping by at my beloved Kitchen around the world ....
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also the documentation of the work of culinary from various parts of the world,
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happy browsing ..... :D

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Brownies Kukus Coklat

Salah satu cemilan favorit keluarga ini, paling sering aku buat ... selain dimakan begitu saja, aku juga sering bikin untuk bekal sekolah Bocils dan Dimas, adekku tersayang kekantor ...

klo dibikinin ini satu loyang langsung habis dalam sekejab .... hehehe .... memang pada doyan banget seh ... soalnya rasanya nyoklaaaaaaaattt sekali dan bikinnya pun sangat mudah ... :D

resepnya dapat dari website-nya NCC yang sedikit aku modifikasi pada filling-nya ... aku tulis disini resepnya ya ...

source : Fatmah Bahalwan modified by dapur Deana

Bahan A :
12 btr telur
450 gr gula pasir
20 gr emulsifier
1 sdt garam ~ me : 1/2 sdt garam

Bahan B :
75 gr coklat bubuk
300 gr tepung terigu
1 sdt vanilli

Bahan C :
300 gr mentega/margarine
200 gr dark cooking chocolate
1 sdm pasta coklat black forest

Bahan filling :
250 gr coklat meises
~ me, ga pake, diganti dengan : 100gr dark cooking chocolate + 25gr mentega, cairkan

Cara membuat:
- Siapkan loyang kotak ukuran 26x26cm, olesi dengan mentega dan alasi kertas roti, oles sekali lagi, sisihkan
- Kocok bahan A sampai kental, masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, lalu tuang bahan C, aduk hingga rata benar
- Bagi menjadi 3 bagian sama rata ~ me : bagi menjadi 2 bagian sama rata
- Tuang satu bagian adonan kedalam loyang, kukus selama kurang lebih 10 menit
~ me : sekitar 15 menit
- Buka kukusan, taburi 1/2 bagian mesis, tuang lagi satu bagian adonan, kukus lagi sekitar 10 menit
- Lakukan sampai adonan habis
~ me : tuang bahan filling, tuang 1/2 bagian sisa adonan, kukus lagi sekitar 15 menit hingga matang

~ selamat mencoba ~

* English version

source : Fatmah Bahalwan modified by dapur Deana

A :
12 eggs
450 gr sugar
20 gr emulsifier
1 tsp salt ~ me: 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

ingredients B :
75 g cocoa powder
300 gr flour
1 tsp vanilly

Ingredients C :
300 gr butter / margarine
200 gr dark cooking chocolate
1 tablespoon black forest chocolate pasta

Filling ingredients :
250 gr chocolate rice
~ me replaced with: 100gr dark cooking chocolate + 25gr butter, melted

direction :
- Prepare a square the size of 26x26cm baking dish, spread with butter and cover baking sheet, spread with buitter once again, set aside
- mix ingredients A until thick, put B ingredients by sifted, then pour the ingredients C, stirring until blended right
- Divide into 3 equal parts ~ me : 2 equal parts
- Pour the batter into the pan, steam for about 10 minutes
~ me : about 15 minutes
- Open the steamer, sprinkle with 1 / 2 part chocolate rice, pour one part of the dough again, steam again for about 10 minutes
~ me: pour the filling ingredients, pour half the remaining dough, steamed again about 15 minutes until cooked
- Do it until the dough runs out

me : pour the filling ingredients, pour half the remaining dough, steamed again about 15minutes until cooked

~ happy baking ~

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