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Friday, December 24, 2010

Poffertjes with Strawberry Sauce

selain dimakan dengan gula berempah, poffertjes juga enak lho klo dimakan dengan variasi rasa yang lain ... salah satunya dengan saus starwberry ... so fresh , really ... :D

by dapur Deana

bahan :
1 sdm ragi instan
50 cc air hangat
250 gr terigu
300 cc susu cair
3 sdm gula pasir
2 butir telur, kocok lepas sebentar
cara membuat :
- campur ragi + air hangat, aduk rata, diamkan selama 15 menit
- campur susu cair + gula, aduk rata dengan wisk hingga gula larut, tambahkan terigu, aduk rata
- masukkan telur, aduk rata, masukkan adonan ragi, aduk rata,diamkan adonan sekitar 30 menit hingga mengembang
- panaskan cetakan poffertjes, olesi dengan sedikit mentega, tuang adonan hingga penuh, masak diatas api kecil, tunggu hingga 1/2 matang, balik adonan,biarkan adonan yang masih berupa cairan memenuhi bagian dasar adonan, satukan dengan adonan yang sudah matang, masak hingga matang dan kecoklatan, angkat, sajikan dengan saus strawberry

* Saus Strawberry :
200 gr strawberry segar, blender hingga halus
150 gr gula
100 ml air
cara membuat :
- campur jadi gula + air, masak diatas api kecil, aduk-aduk hingga gula larut
- tambahkan strawberry yang telah dihaluskan, masak terus hingga mengental, angkat dinginkan
Catt : bisa diganti dengan selai strawberry yang dicairkan

~ selamat mencoba ~
*English version*

by dapur Deana

ingredients :
1 tablespoon instant yeast
50 cc of warm water
250 gr flour
300 cc of fresh milk
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
direction :
- mixed yeast + warm water, stir, let sit for about 15 minutes
- mixed milk + sugar and stir with a wisk until sugar dissolves, add flour and stir well
- pour the eggs, mix well, put yeast dough, stir, let sit about 30 minutes until dough is fluffy
- preheat the poffertjes mold, brush with a little butter, pour the batter until it is full, and cook over low heat, wait until half cooked, let the middle of the dough is still a liquid, turn the dough, combine with a dough that is cooked, cook until brown, lift from mold and serve with strawberry sauce

* Strawberry Sauce :
200 g fresh strawberries, blend until smooth
150 gr sugar
100 ml water
direction :
- mix sugar + water and cook over low heat, stir until sugar dissolves
- add the strawberries that have been mashed, cooked continues until thickened, let cool

It can be replaced with strawberry jam, melted with a little boiled water

~ happy baking ~

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